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Professor: Andres Käver

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University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: Secure Programming + Web Application Security

The lecturer ranted a lot about his five kids and not having enough time to tend to the students. He would condemn people working and studying at the same time, while he was obviously overworked, working in private sector as well as in the university teaching multiple courses (obviously he needs to feed his family, but the students can't feed themselves). He argued that as a student was studying for free (for taxpayer's money), the taxpayer was paying a "salary" to the student and thus the student must not work. Sometimes, he would have to leave halfway through the lecture to be on calls which he would announce before. The lectures stopped at around week 7, although they were supposed to continue up to week 16. He gave us 200+ hours of Rangeforce exercises to do, which was kind of fun at first and then became a nightmare because they were incredibly repetitive and brain-numbing. The lecturer only gave feedback at the end of the exam period, even though the students had to submit the programming homeworks by week 10 or so and the first homework was submitted around week 3. This meant that the first homework only got reviewed after 3 months or so.


University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: C#

Top G


University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: Javascript

Näitab kogu arendusprotsessi fronti arenduses ning põhjendab oma valikuid ja otsuseid, et õpetada õiget mõtteviisi. Materjal on põhjalik ning kaasaaegne. Väga hea õppejõud.


University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: Hajussüsteemide ehitamien

Tal suva teiste ajast, tuleb tundi hiljem, ütleb, et teeb 5 min pausi, tegelikult on ära 30. Loengud ei kesta nii kaua kui peaks (ei tea kunagi kas täna lõpeb 15 või hoopis 17). Tuleb tundi ettevalmistamata, ilma assistentideta ei teaks, mida õpetada. Lihtsalt nii pohhuistlik inimene


University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: C#,Hajus,ASP.NET

Kui tahad lõpuks progemise selgeks saada siis pane oma nimi kirja, aga ole valmis korralikuks tempoks.



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