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Преподаватель: Pawan Kumar Dutt

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Университет: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Предмет: International Intellectual Property Law

In addition to my previous comment, there was another issue with the exam. There were some statements where you had to just tick True/False, but the statements were designed in a way to trick the reader (most of the statement is true, but there's just some minor detail that is false). Didn't like that, but didn't really have any issue with that.


Университет: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Предмет: International Intellectual Property Law

Awesome lecturer. Speaks nicely and very clearly, every lesson you learn a lot of new stuff. I didn't like the format of the exam (two questions with essay-like answers), but that's a minor complaint. Everything else was perfect, and his accent makes lectures even more enjoyable. ♥



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